Tuesday, June 18, 2013

25 weeks!

Well, I fell off the wagon!  I started this blog when I was 6 weeks pregnant and now I am 25 weeks!  How did that happen???  I wanted to document this whole experience, but I guess laziness took over!!!

So what has happened in the past 19 weeks?  The biggest update is that we are having a little princess!!  Poor Tony will be outnumbered in this house!!

That's are baby girl! We don't have a name set in stone yet and probably wont until she is born!  I never thought naming a child would be so hard, but it is!!  We have some top picks, but we'll see what we think once we see her little face!

I don't know how our bulldog feels about sharing her princess title!  She is going to funny to watch when her sister arrives!  She's the sweetest thing, but gets too excited sometimes and doesn't always realize she is 60 pounds!

That picture, pretty much, sums up my life in a few short months!  So cute!

Here is a picture of Tony and I before we found out we were having a little girl!  The anticipation is crazy!!!

So I guess I'll end with some stats thus far!

Weight gain: just over 10lbs  Shocker!
Things I have bought: Picture frames for the nursery, Tottenham onesies for Tony's Father's day present.
Maternity cloths purchased: Old Navy active wear tank tops to walk in, maternity leggings, maternity underroos, 2 maternity tops, Old Navy black maxi, 2 tops from the limited brand warehouse.  Trying to find a balance between maternity and regular cloths!
Cravings: ham, cheese, mayo sandwiches, any fruit, ice cream (but that seems typical this time of year), my sweet tooth is back but I'm trying to ignore it...sorta
Food aversions:  I've jumped off the veggie train... it's so hard to force anything but salads down!

I'll get some belly pics on here soon!  I promise!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

6 Weeks

Finally, this week I feel pregnant.  I have general state of nauseousness and minor food aversions.  I sort of wished for this because it would be reassurance that I am indeed pregnant.  Now, that I have it, I don't want it!
I had breakfast with Leslie, Lindsey, and Kate today and it was sooo hard not to tell them, especially when Leslie is pregnant and we mostly talked about babies!!  I hate secrets!

We have our first appointment with the nurse this week.  It's just history and blood work.  Two more weeks until we can get our babies first picture!!! 

Pregnancy Symptoms: All day nausea, food preferences change hourly, sooo tired!
Weight: 157
Cravings: Eggs, cheese, cheeseburger
Baby Size: The size of a sweet pea

5 Weeks

This week we decided to tell a few people, but it is still really too soon.  I started to get a cold this week.  I never get sick, so leave it to me to get one now when I can't take a lot of meds!

I think I look "fuller" but I think I just have my tank top pulled down more.  I actually lost weight this week, but I think it is because I cut the crap!  I guess I figure there is going to be a time when I'm going to want certain foods, so there is no need to give in so fast!

Pregnancy Symptoms: getting tired, but it could be the cold
Weight: 154

4 Weeks!

So we just found out we are pregnant and here are my very first belly pictures.  Obviously, it's too early for anything, but I figured I might as well start them now!

Pregnancy Symptoms: None
Weight: 157  (still up from Christmas)

Starting A New Adventure!!

Well, we're pregnant!!  Crazy!  I've always wanted to start a blog but nothing really pushed me to do it until now!  I want to be able to document this journey to parenthood and be able to look back on the memories of this time!  Hopefully I can post often, at least more then just weekly updates!  We'll see how it goes.  I would love to make this a habit that extends past pregnancy, so wish me luck!

Where to start?
How about when we found out we were expecting?  Let me paint this picture.  It was Sunday, January 20, 2013.  It was a Sunday and I woke up around 9-9:30am.  I went down to start the coffee and making a nice breakfast for myself and the hubby.  As I'm rinsing out the coffee pot, I look out the window to spot our HUGE pine tree in the backyard had fallen over night during a crazy wind storm!  Good morning to me!!!  I rushed up stairs to wake Tony to check it out!  I just love us, before we know it we are cracking jokes about it and laughing.

Once we took care of all the grownup stuff like take pictures and call the insurance, I finished making breakfast.  After breakfast and after Tony finished watching a soccer game, we decided to get on with our day.  We both went upstairs to get cleaned up to run errands.  Tony asked if I had started my cycle and I said no but I felt like I was going to.  He encouraged me to just take a test.  So, I did and I was shocked!  Instantly the two lines showed up and for the second time that morning, Tony and I found ourselves cracking up laughing!!!  It was crazy!

Going about the rest of our day was a blur! My brain was fluttered with thoughts.  That's when I realized the next 9 months was going to be a huge waiting game!  You wait for the first doctor's appointment, wait to actually feel pregnant, wait to tell people your BIG secret, wait to see a picture of your little one, wait to know everything is okay, wait to actually look pregnant and just not fat, wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl.....wait wait wait!   Did I mention I don't have patience?

I started taking pictures this very first day so I had something to compare to and use as a pre-prego picture.  I'll post them in the next post, so all the weeks have their own post.

Here's a picture of the happy parents-to-be!